Author: Ed Lotterman

Forget Wall Street; the ‘real economy’ is the thing to watch

We live in interesting economic times. Over the past week, the step-wise down trend of stock prices in China accompanied by wild gyrations in U.S. share prices is getting much media attention. These financial markets are part of the “monetary…

UCare bid flap not a new issue for government

The UCare brouhaha, which broadened Thursday into a lawsuit that the health care company filed against the state, illustrates the inherent challenges when a government contracts with the private sector to provide public goods like military hardware, infrastructure or health…

China’s currency policy is only a symptom

This week, China lowered its official target for the value of its currency relative to the U.S. dollar. Global news media promptly labeled this a “devaluation,” and the usual set of pundits and politicians denounced the move as “currency manipulation.”…