Author: Ed Lotterman

Our health costs will rise, no matter who pays

Regardless of how we structure the financing of health care — mandatory private insurance in the Affordable Care Act, government-run single-payer, vouchers, or our current muddle — we are going to face the challenge that the cost of health care…

U.S.-Brazil cotton debacle will take a toll

Despite news reports about Secretary of State John Kerry’s visit to Brazil, few Americans are paying much attention to the current bobble in our relations with that giant country. Nevertheless, the event illustrates the degree of ongoing dysfunction in our…

A return to barebones regulation is ill-advised

As our nation becomes more densely populated, we impinge on each other more. What economists call “external costs,” where the actions of one person make another person worse off, become more common. Economic theory and much economic history make clear…

Does Goldman’s aluminum scheme foil free markets?

A recent New York Times article suggesting that Goldman Sachs’ ownership of a significant fraction of aluminum warehousing capacity hurts consumers caused quite a stir in the financial press and in the economics blogosphere. It also led key members of…