Author: Ed Lotterman

Understanding the issues behind Dayton’s budget proposal

Gov. Mark Dayton has dropped the fiscal puck into play with his proposals for a broader-based but lower-rate sales tax plus higher marginal income tax rates on high incomes. Which goal the puck ends up in is anyone’s guess. Given…

Balancing the risks — and rights — of borrowers and lenders

Balancing the rights and responsibilities of borrowers and lenders isn’t easy, but it is important that a society do it well. This not only involves issues of fairness but also of economic efficiency. Get it wrong and not only will…

Estate tax escapes fiscal cliff scrutiny, and here’s why

The estate tax is one facet of this week’s fiscal cliff agreement that has gotten little attention. This is interesting, as the amounts of money potentially in play were at least as large as those for other issues. The switch…

Debt reduction is the real issue in ‘fiscal cliff’ vote

After much drama, both houses of Congress have agreed with the president on a short-term plan to deal with the “fiscal cliff.” No party seems very happy with it. This general lack of enthusiasm might be a good sign, an…

Pro- or anti-Keynes, something has to give on fiscal cliff

When one category of national production, such as consumption spending, decreases, then one or more of the three other categories must increase by at least the same amount or Gross Domestic Product will decline. And that means national income declines.…