Category: Other

Bush dodged true energy-policy fix

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil — In his State of the Union address Tuesday, President Bush broached the important subject of the nation’s dependence on imported energy. Unfortunately, his prescription for change embraced trivial or harmful approaches and overtly rejected the…

Does success spring from effort or luck?

People’s opinions differ on whether success in life is the result of individual effort or circumstances beyond anyone’s control. Tony Judt’s masterful “Postwar: A History of Europe since 1945” notes that surveys repeatedly indicate a majority of Americans believe how…

Most charity tax breaks don’t aid poor

Unintended outcomes often reveal underlying principles. This is certainly true in the responses to Congress’s temporary increase in the proportion of income that can be excluded from taxation through charitable gifts. Intended as an incentive to help the hurricane-battered Gulf…

IT empowers regular folks

The information technology revolution of the last 25 years is not “scale neutral.” In other words, it does not affect big and small companies equally. In fact, this wave of technological innovation probably helps small organizations proportionately more than it…