Category: Other

Fair pay, and gratitude

Our culture is an individualistic one in which willingness to sacrifice for the common good is increasingly rare. Yet, many sacrificed in the past, and some sacrifice today. Regardless of how we feel about our nation’s foreign policies, we must…

Wal-Mart just wants everyone in same boat

Wal-Mart wasn’t being hypocritical when one of its executives recently called for a higher national minimum wage, but the retailing giant may have been taking lessons from German industry. Nationwide standards may give big companies like Wal-Mart a strategic advantage…

Why subsidize mortgages?

Limiting the deduction of home mortgage interest is the most controversial proposal of President Bush’s Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform. It will be unpopular with much of the public. However, many economists — Republicans and Democrats alike — think…

Tax panel spurs needed debate

The President’s Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform issued its report Tuesday. It contains many sensible proposals that most economists would support. In other words, it probably doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of ever becoming law. Nevertheless, the…