Category: Other

Fiscal “boatload” now needs bailing out

The new whopper deficit projected for Minnesota’s state government underscores how much the business cycle affects the state’s finances and the need for better mechanisms to reduce such downpour-to-drought swings. For much of the past decade, we were told the…

It’s dangerous and foolish to believe you have the last word

I was bemused when someone gave me a copy of the literary hissy fit that Garrison Keillor threw following Norm Coleman’s election. I voted for Walter Mondale and remain personally skeptical about the relative balance of style vs. substance in…

PUC needs to get tough

Many years ago a British judge commented that “men are not hanged for stealing horses but rather that horses not be stolen.” Qwest Communications may be glad that the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission apparently does not share that harsh judicial…

Deflation is not a threat as long as Fed is competent

Don’t stay awake at night worrying about deflation. That is my advice to people who query me about whether the United States runs the danger of following Japan into a prolonged economic funk. That troubled nation has edged into deflation…