Category: Other

Farm subsidies shouldn’t survive “tea party” scrutiny

They are not even sworn in yet, but some of the newly elected members of Congress are raising questions among agricultural economists. Incoming Missouri Congresswoman Vicki Hartzler, for example, defended continued farm subsidies on the grounds of ‘national security.’ A…

Proposal has something for everyone to hate

The fact that antitax guru Grover Norquist, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and AFL-CIO chief Richard Trumka all moved swiftly to condemn deficit-reduction proposals made jointly by Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles is a sure indication these ideas are worth…

With ethanol, even foes of central planning are on board

The EPA’s recent ruling that gasoline can contain 15 percent ethanol and the litigation that decision has spawned by a variety of groups illustrates the degree to which central planning is getting a toehold in the U.S. economy with the…

Eliminating entitlements a misunderstood concept

‘Entitlements’ are a favorite target of those who want to trim the federal deficit, especially in this political season. But just as there are many misconceptions about government spending and taxing (the subject of my Sunday column), many people don’t…