Category: Other

Financial crises reflect political woes

Ben Bernanke was Time magazine’s Person of the Year for 2009. A decade earlier, the magazine proclaimed Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers ‘The Committee to Save the World,’ when they were, respectively, Federal Reserve board chair, treasury secretary…

It’s the GOP’s turn to flip-flop on health care

Flip-flopping is an equal-opportunity sport in American politics. This time, it seems to be the Republicans’ turn. Congressional Republicans have opposed the Obama administration’s health care bill because it will increase the federal government’s role in U.S. health care and…

Cost-benefit analysis can apply to justice, too

The Supreme Court unleashed a controversy earlier this year when it ruled that prosecutors couldn’t introduce results from blood-alcohol and other needed lab tests in court without testimony from the technicians who prepared them. But how that decision should be…

Bankers’ reluctance to make loans is understandable: Defaults

President Barack Obama called in leading bankers to the White House on Monday to lecture them on their responsibility to lend. The bankers say they are doing all they can. Who is right? In the president’s view, U.S. taxpayers saved…

Don’t expect too much from climate talks

Countries’ willingness to read international agreements and, more importantly, to comply with commitments they make, depends almost entirely on domestic political considerations. That is why you should not expect too much from the Copenhagen climate summit, despite whatever triumphal communiqués…

State revenue crunch makes Vikings stadium subsidy seem less of a priority

It’s time for a national re-examination of government funding of sports arenas. Minnesota has deep budget problems. On a per-capita basis, the coming shortfalls may be as bad as California’s, even though the total sum in that state is much…