Category: Other

Plenty of smaller, healthy banks avoided giants’ missteps

Not all banks are the same. Keep that in mind when digesting news of our nation’s ongoing financial sector problems. It is hard to think of another sector of the U.S. economy that is more heterogeneous than banking. And there…

It’s a century later, but the financial crisis is the same

The ongoing global financial crisis confirms the observation in Ecclesiastes that “there is nothing new under the sun.” Things happening right now are virtually identical to events in 1929, 1907 or 1873. But sometimes there are new variations to old…

Plan could help local housing prices stabilize

Housing markets are at a point where, as John Maynard Keynes said in 1936, people are willing to try a new initiative “if it should be even plausible.” Working with Minnesota2020, a St. Paul-based policy advocacy organization, two Minnesotans, one…

Mining’s “external costs” hard to calculate

With plans for a large copper-nickel mine on Minnesota’s Iron Range under way, the issue of how to deal with ‘external costs’ is worth considering. When producing something creates external costs — ones that fall on neither the producer selling…

State’s diverse economy will ride out storm

A recent conversation about the worsening economy ended on a sardonic note. ‘Well,’ my colleague said, ‘Don’t worry too much. Just remember the economy is highly resilient!’ His comment was a jab at Art Rolnick, the Minneapolis Federal Reserve economist…