Category: Other

“Death taxes” debate need some clarity

Most people don’t understand the difference between an estate tax and an inheritance tax. The distinction may not seem important but misunderstandings cloud public debate about such “death taxes” in general. Most people believe that such taxes affect far more…

Thievery rises along with metal prices

Thieves are breaking into vacant houses in North Minneapolis and St. Paul to steal copper plumbing and wiring. Similarly, electric lines are disappearing in the Dominican Republic and other developing countries. High metals prices are affecting economies around the world,…

Decentralized Fed is best

The Federal Reserve is consolidating check-processing operations into a few sites. This is good management, but begs the broader question of whether we really need 12 separate Federal Reserve districts. Check volumes are dropping precipitously as more and more people…

Ignore inane trade-balance rhetoric

The trade balance between any two single countries is essentially meaningless. Don’t let presidential candidates tell you otherwise. For example, Hillary Clinton and other Democratic presidential candidates have criticized a pending trade pact between the United States and Korea for…