Category: Other

Both private sector, government “create wealth”

Can governments “create wealth” by using resources to produce goods or services of greater value to society than the resources used? Or does government merely take from some and give to others without any net increase in people’s well-being? That…

Principal-agent problems plague U.S. in Iraq

Gen. David Petraeus’ Ph.D. is in international relations, not economics, but he clearly understands the microeconomic phenomenon known as the “principal-agent problem.” Overcoming it is the key challenge in successful counterinsurgency warfare. It is clear from “Field Manual 3-24 –…

Tax fairness is in the eye of the beholder

Fairness is a key question in taxation. Nobody likes taxes, but nearly everyone wants some level of government services. Yes, a few Libertarians would leave everything but public safety and national defense to private markets. Most other people, however, also…

Colleges should unplug efforts to limit electricians

Adam Smith, the first great economist, would not have been surprised that the electricians union wants Minnesota’s technical college system to train fewer students for this trade. Smith gave many examples of how different groups feather their nests by restricting…