Category: Other

Want to help environment? Shut up and do something

Rhetorical bluster and empty goals don’t substitute for concrete action. That is a lesson from the fall of communism that we need to remember as we formulate environmental policies. In the Soviet Union, leaders routinely announced dramatic goals. But their…

Fantasies won’t clean up the junk

Indulging romantic fantasies is a human inclination, but when legislators do so while shaping public policies, it can harm society. As the Minnesota Legislature tackles the problem of junked electronic equipment, both parties risk letting their particular fantasies about how…

Underlying ills intensify subprime peril

Subprime mortgages are the Balkans of the U.S. economy. Nineteenth-century German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck famously predicted that the next great European war would stem from “some damned silly thing in the Balkans.” Over 20 years later his prediction proved…