Category: Other

Petrodollar recycling is still a challenge

Despite huge increases in money flowing to oil-exporting nations, you seldom hear the word “petrodollar” anymore. Perhaps buzz words eventually just fall out of use. Or perhaps philosopher George Santayana’s dictum that “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned…

Should we pay for roads now or hand bill to our kids?

The dispute between Gov. Tim Pawlenty and many legislators over highway funding boils down to the old question of “jam today or jam tomorrow?” On second thought, that is not quite accurate. Both the governor and legislators want jam today.…

Drug policies prop up the profits in dope

The Afghan government just announced a new crackdown on opium production. That country now produces 90 percent of the world’s output. Opium reportedly is the largest single component of Afghanistan’s gross domestic product. Though laudable, history and economic theory tell…

Bush health plan deserves consideration

Democrats should be ashamed of the short shrift they are giving President Bush’s health proposals. They should embrace his proposal that we equalize tax treatment of health insurance spending. The current system is inequitable and economically inefficient. Liberal and conservative…

A “tax exemption” is just a bribe

There are many euphemisms for ‘bribe.’ Depending on the country it may be ‘baksheesh,’ ‘blat,’ ‘speed money,’ ‘propina,’ ‘an envelope’ or ‘chai.’ Here in Minnesota we generally say “economic development incentives.” We seem to think that if payoffs are reported…

Don’t blame ethanol for costly tortillas

Many people like Sgt. Joe Friday’s approach to economic issues: ‘Just the facts, ma’am.’ The problem is that individual cold, hard facts, taken in isolation, often mislead. People like certainty and simplicity. But real life is uncertain and complicated. Consider…