Immigration issues often are presented as distinct either/or questions: Does immigration help or hurt the economy? Do immigrants take jobs away from native-born citizens? These are what logic professors call “false dichotomies.” On such complex issues, seemingly opposing views often…
Strike balance with eminent domain laws
The Minnesota Legislature, like those in many other states, wants to limit the power of local government to exercise eminent domain. This is good. Taking land from private citizens and transferring it to another private entity for “economic development” has…
It’s time for MAC to stop coddling Northwest
A line from Shakespeare’s “King Lear” comes to mind in Northwest Airlines’ latest legal gambit to stop making lease payments to the Metropolitan Airports Commission: “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child.” Some folks…
Fed chiefs aren’t there to serve presidents
Obituary writers were kind to G. William Miller. Most noted he was the only person who ever served as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board and as Treasury secretary, and that in this latter job he oversaw an unprecedented federally…