Though abortion is the hot issue in Supreme Court appointments, the court’s decisions on economic matters can profoundly affect the nation over time. It is not clear how John Roberts, the new chief justice, or Samuel Alito — if confirmed…
Tax panel spurs needed debate
The President’s Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform issued its report Tuesday. It contains many sensible proposals that most economists would support. In other words, it probably doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of ever becoming law. Nevertheless, the…
Fed chiefs often anger presidents
Only time will tell whether President Bush eventually will regard Ben Bernanke as a traitor. But if history is a guide, the next Fed chairman will disappoint the president in a significant way. Some pundits worry that Bernanke is too…
Government “waste” is complex
Recent news is rife with reports of the government paying more than it should for all sorts of things. Simply put, incentives in government are such that decision makers often don’t act in the best interests of citizens. Resources are…