Although this is anathema to most economists, central planning works pretty well at times. The belief that private markets can generally meet many of society’s needs without government action is at the core of economic theory. U.S. history demonstrates, however,…
State weighs how to ration health care
Should one give the same help to fewer people or less help to the same number of people? That is the tradeoff faced when government attempts to meet some social need with a limited budget and one Minnesota Gov. Tim…
Monopolies popping up all over
Some days one needs a profound sense of irony just to make it through the morning paper. That certainly was the case Wednesday. The lead story on the front page noted that 33,700 people will be lopped off the rolls…
Self-sufficiency in oil wouldn’t come cheaply
World sugar prices are rising rapidly to the highest level in more than four years, according to an article that appeared last week in this newspaper. The article did not note, however, that this price spike wouldn’t affect U.S. consumers.…