Changes in U.S. bankruptcy law are wending their way through Congress in what has been an off-again, on-again process for the last three years. The Republican majorities in Congress generally favor the bill, which will make bankruptcy somewhat more onerous…
Have fun, scare people with charts
The sky is falling, the sky is falling! Get out of the market now! Sell all your stocks and get into money market funds. Better yet, buy Krugerands and bury them under the compost pile. You say you don’t believe…
World Bank: It’s a dirty job . . .
Recent news stories about protests surrounding the spring meetings of the World Bank and the IMF have pointed out that these two institutions were set up at the end of World War II to perform needs that no longer exist.…
World Bank, IMF emerged from the exigencies of war
Are the World Bank and International Monetary Fund the witting tools of global corporations, holding down small countries so vampire capitalists can suck the blood of the poor? Or are they wise, omniscient dispensers of money and technical assistance that…